Tuesday, September 22, 2009

38 hour lockdown

We're on hour 27 of 38 and we're all going a little crazy by now. The teachers have a list going around and I thought you might enjoy it.

Some ideas for staying in:

count the number of drip spots in your ceiling
do some plyometrics
pilates anyone?
bake something delicious and share it with your watchyman
Speed Read
do some jumping jacks
color a picture
write a card to all new North American teachers
bake something else and hoard it cause who knows what food we might have to save (kidding)
knit a quilt for those cold nights.
use the bathroom while the water still works.
play hide and seek.
play body body.
extreme dance party (with candles.)
write a novel about being under a curfew.
run in circles.
plant a garden.
clean your house because lela will probably never actually come back.
start naming insects in your house.
make bottlecap magnets for your fridge.
lay out in your courtyard without sunscreen.
wax the ceiling
drop a cat from a high place.
catch a cockroach and make it to a pet. and give it a leash.
sharpen your teeth.
braid your roommate's hair.
research the holy roman empire.
clean and polish your belly button
wash a tree (but only if it's inside).
mow the grass with scissors.
weave a carpet out of insect legs.
listen to a painting.
try to draw a map of where everything is in Tegucigalpa
imitate the vendors that yell in your neighborhood (we miss their voices)
decorate your room
start digging a tunnel to the other houses (naranja, im half way there, any progress on your side?)
declare war on the ants in your kitchen
talk to the watchyman
update all the worried family memebers in the states.
invent something
play cards
make pancakes in the shapes of your roommates initials
write a letter
craft something, anything
drink way too much coffee and see if that helps your cabin fever
read for fun
quote movies
actually memorize your cell phone number
clean out your fridge
make up new recipes with the random food you have left in your house
learn spanish
decorate using Francisco Morazan
speak without using the letter e
make a liquado without milk or yogurt or juice
wash your hands in the pila because you don't have running water
polish your engagement ring
try 6 times to upload pictures to a facebook album... and still fail
sneak out of your house to go to a closed pulperia
enjoy the silence
watch cows walk up your road
fill your toilet with water from the pila in order to flush it because you still don't have water
form a girl band and make a music video
read in the hammock
plan all vacations for the rest of the year with your Lonely Planet Guidebook
bake bread
verbally encourage your tomatoes to grow in your garden
finish Gilmore Girls Season 1
plan a wedding
base your worth on how many people comment on your facebook status
look up uglydresses.com and try not to throw up in your mouth
kill a chincha
talk to your housemates on gchat even though you are within speaking distance
argue with pulperia man to make him give you his last 3 bottles of agua azul
have an in-depth conversation about which country the Little Mermaid takes place in
come up with witty quotes for your newly-added quote board
watch R. Kelly's Trapped In The Closet
follow minute-by-minute updates on Honduran politics
attempt to watch all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls before curfew is over (WE are starting season 4)
take a shower using a saucepan
wage an epic battle against a honduran hornet
make a design using thousands of colored tally marks
count the number of cracks in your styrofoam ceiling
play hide and seek with your houserat
update your blog and read other blogs obsessively
see who can kill more red ants in a day
then see who can count more different kinds of ants you having living with you
build a fort in your living room
sit on your balcony and watch the lightning
seriously contemplate hardcore parkour routes on your neighbors' roofs
look up song lyrics in Spanish
play indoor soccer
try to do EVERYTHING that EVERYONE has recommended
make a list of suggestions to pass along
Defrag. computer before 11pm.
Develop an evacuation plan titled, "Get the white people out of here"
Write a Christmas list.
Boil extra water. And then some.
Put extra floor wax on the floor and have a skating party.
Email last love letters b/c you don't know when you'll have electricity again. (Marnie)
Write a love letter by candle light. Que romantico!
Make a castle with a deck of cards- just remember that all fans must be turned off. Unless you want to designate someone as the blocker.
Find and or make your Halloween costume, its only a month away.
Instruct a Chepes class.
Count out your Honduran change to find out how many Choco. bananas you can purchase when we escape.
Develop a trap for geckos just in case we run out of food.
Have a massage train with your house mates and guests.
Have a slumber party where ever you end up falling asleep.
Reminiscence of snow days but frown when you realize that at least during snow days you can have fun outside.

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