Saturday, August 15, 2009

Last night at home

Sorry, guys, this one is going to be sans pictures.

It's 1:15 AM and my family and I are leaving for the airport in just over two hours. Yikes.

I really thought it wouldn't all start to hit me until I had to say goodbye to my parents at the airport, but nope, here it is. I'm leaving again, and this is the real deal. I'm MOVING this time. Let my two suitcases and two boxes stand as evidence. That really surprised me, by the way. I honestly thought I could fit all my own stuff into one suitcase (the boxes are for school supplies), but I totally forgot about my stuff in the bathroom and shoes. Shoes take up space, man. Half of one of my suitcases is full of sneakers and boots. In my defense, I did fit all the clothes I own (minus a few shoes, a couple jackets . . . and snow pants) into my two suitcases. That's kind of impressive, right?

I'm SO excited for tomorrow and what the Lord has planned for me this year, but I still really hate goodbyes. Asi es la vida, I guess.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blessings on you Sage.