Wednesday, June 17, 2009

El último día :o(

The last day of school has never been so sad in the history of education. 

Actually, most of the day was pretty great because I think I was in denial. The kids had a huge graduation party because they are moving on to the middle school, which means a new building, new shirts (switching from green collars for elementary school to blue collars for secondary school), and new teachers. You probably remember your transition from having one teacher all day to six or seven and leaving behind everything that's familiar to start something new and exciting. Best of times worst of times kinda thing. 

I ALMOST made it the whole day without crying. I was doing pretty well because some of the kids had been crying off and on all day, so I was becoming desensitized to it. But then, in the last couple of minutes as kids are starting to leave, my buddy Ignacio comes up to me without saying a word, wraps his arms around my waist, and buries his wet, teary face in my stomach. I lost it. So then Lulu and Montse come and cry with us and the four of us are this big sad crying hug mass and my heart just about broke into 22 pieces.

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