Monday, January 25, 2010

On love and acceptance

What is it in us that makes us desire love and acceptance from others, when we already have it in abundance, even beyond all we could ever want or need, in Jesus? Mother Teresa calls the greatest poverty that of "being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for." That is a devastating poverty, an existence in which you are told you are undeserving of love. We are made in the image of God, and as such, we are deeply loved as His children. We are considered precious by the Creator of the universe, the One Who knows every star by name, Who shaped Mount Everest and filled the seas with vivid colors and shells. He formed rolling hills and staggering redwoods and is the Originator of everything that is Good and Beautiful; He is the source of all love and compassion. And even knowing this, many of us still seek the approval of men. Men who are as the grass, here one day and gone the next.

The head and the heart really are two separate beasts.

1 comment:

René Zepeda said...

thanks:D...great post...