Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 Jan. 1987

I think it's best if I update my blog now because it's my birthday and I can't be (further) reprimanded for my tardiness.

Christmas Break was an absolute blessing in every way. It was so refreshing to be with my family, and my cousin and his husband came out from New York for New Years, too. I so appreciated my time and conversations with them. I'm trying to talk Chris and Craig into visiting me in Honduras. (Then Craig can help me decorate on a budget!!)

While I was home, I was further blessed by all my friends who were home or came to visit. I got to spend time with friends from middle school, high school, and college.

One of my closest friends and her young family drove up from Santa Barbara and we spent a few days enjoying each others' company.

On my last night home, a couple good friends and I went linedancing. As if that wasn't enough...we also rode a mechanical bull. Yeah, that's right. And I'd do it again.

This weekend some friends and I celebrated my birthday. Last night, my friend Kaitlyn organized a group dinner and movie, which was really sweet of her. After the most terrifying taxi ride of my life (brake lights in front of us incited this guy to go faster), I realized I had locked myself out of my apartment, so I spent the night at a friend's house. That was probably the best conclusion to the evening I could have had, because we just thought out loud together about faith and heaven and humanity and aliens (we saw Avatar, ok?).

This morning (on my real birthday) some friends and I had breakfast together, went to church, and spent the afternoon lesson planning. I really enjoy my friends and am so thankful for them. Life may be hard, but it is also definitely good.


Christina said...

oh yay!!! I loved seeing you too SAGE! and i'm so glad I know about your blog now. :-)
happy happy birthday! i kept meaning to say so on your fay-boo yesterday but clearly i forgot everytime i was actually near the computer. sorry about that. love you though!

Christina said...

ps I love the random lady in the white coat behind us! what is she doing?!?