Thursday, February 26, 2009

Karina's bday and Sex Ed

We celebrated a student teacher's birthday yesterday. Went to a really good really cheap Mexican restaurant and then a movie. (You probably don't want to hear that we paid $1.80 for the movie, so I won't tell you.) I'd like to pause here to mention that about half a cup guacamole cost $1. Yeah, $1. Be jealous.

I'm happy to say that fifth graders around the world are still watching the exact same sex ed video they showed us over ten years ago. (At least these students did.) And just as with my own fifth grade class, the boys and girls had to sit through the embarassingly detailed explanation of male and female puberty in the same room. It was really funny to watch them deal with both their intense discomfort and extreme curiosity. I have to give them credit, though: they behaved pretty well. There were only a few giggles and red faces.

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