Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Abundance of Hope

The two boys who left Micah to return to the streets are both sincerely seeking help to be freed from their addictions: one is spending the weekend sobering up at his dad's house before returning to the Micah house, and the other is considering a drug rehabilitation program.

Just last Friday I was sitting on the ground with Marvincito's dirty head in my lap as he slept. It was one of the most maternal moments I've ever had (and I've had many, with three summers as a counselor and two classes of students). There's a lot I don't know about these boys: I don't know much about the families they come from or what family remains. I don't know their thoughts or feelings about the states of their lives. I don't know their desires for themselves or hopes for the future. But I know our Jehovah Rapha heals and restores, and I know the depth of the hope I harbor for them. It's moments like these, moments in which I am so clearly reminded that God is compassionate and at work in the lives of His children, that I have to stop and say thank you.

"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made." Psalm 145:17

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